Technology Holdings Company


  • Commercializing Hanyang’s superb technology
  • Facilitating technology commercialization through Industry-University Cooperation
  • Creating virtuous circulation by investing profit into education and research
  • Contributing to nation’s industry development through industry-university cooperation


실험실 창업 개념
Existing Business Model Commercialization through Holding’s Company
R&D through industry-university cooperation Direct investment & commercialization
Technology transfer/foundation support Active commercialization model
Entrepreneurial lab/university owned business Support every steps for commercialization process
기술사업화 설명

Related Laws

Promotion of Industrial Education and Industry Academic Cooperation Act (Enforced Feb.08)

Seoul Campus

[ Overview of the Company ]
  • -Representative : Ha Sung-kyu
  • -Date of establishment : 5 September 2008 (Korea’s first university holdings company)
  • -Stockholder : Hanyang University Industry-University Cooperation Foundation 100%
  • -Investment companies: 46 companies
  • -Location: (04763) Hanyang Institute of Technology #512, 222, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • - Homepage:
    • Tel/Fax: 02-2220-4070~4075 / 02-6442-4070

ERICA Campus

[ Overview of the Company ]
  • -Company Name: HYU ERICA Holdings Co., Ltd.
  • -Representative:
  • -Date of establishment: 26 August 2013
  • -Stockholder:Hanyang University Industry-University Cooperation Foundation 100%
  • -Investment companies:
  • -Location: (15588) Hanyang University ERICA Center for Business Incubation #216, 55, Hanyangdaehak-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
  • -Tel/Fax: 031-400-4983