Helping domestic companies
reach technology independence
through global research capacity

  • The Hanyang University Technology Independence Support Committee was established on August 12, 2019, and it primarily aims to authentically address the difficulties of companies caused by Japan's refusal to export key parts, and by supporting core technologies, to overcome the difficulties the Korean economy is facing. It will support the acquisition of core technologies in materials, parts, and equipment as a mid-to long-term goal, and ultimately facilitate the departure from a foreign-dependent industry model.
    The Hanyang University Technology Independence Support Committee specializes in 8 fields of advanced technology, which are ▲semiconductors ▲energy ▲displays, ▲automobiles ▲electronics ▲parts materials ▲machine parts ▲chemical biological materials.
  • A total of 300 professors are participating: Seoul Campus professors from the College of Engineering and the College of Natural Sciences working across all 8 fields and ERICA Campus professors from the College of Engineering Sciences and the College of Science and Convergence Technology working across 4 fields (electronics, parts materials, machine parts, and chemical biological materials).
    A total of 38 research institutes of Seoul and ERICA campuses, including the Semiconductor Technology Research Center, the Research Institute of Display Information, EUV-IUCC, the Hanyang Battery Center, and the Eco-friendly Surface Processing Technology Center will be encompassed. Additionally, the president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea, Kwon Oh-kyung (Department of Electronic Engineering, named endowed chair professor), will be in charge of general management of the committee.

Research Institutes Participating in Hanyang University’s Committee to Support Technology Independence

Research Institutes Participating in Hanyang University’s Committee to Support Technology Independence
campus Participating research institutes (Total: 38)
Seoul Campus (31) Mechanical Engineering & Technology Research Institute, Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Information Display Research Institute, Automotive Research Center at Hanyang University, Institute for Bio-engineering and Bio-pharmaceutical Research, Innovative Technology Center for Radiation Safety, Institute for Embedded Software, Research Institute for Natural Sciences, Petroleum and Mineral Research Institute, Research Institute of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Research Institute of Steel Processing & Application, Semiconductor Technology Research Center, Center for Save Earth by Energy-Harvesting Dream, Energy Innovation Research Center, Wireless Systems Laboratory, Nuclear Disassembly Research Center, Future Fire Prevention Strategy Research Center, Intelligent Data Technology Research Center, Future Generation Cell Analysis Research Center, Climate Technology Center, Intelligent Big Data Center, Multi-Sensing Informatics Center, Convergence Technology Center for Smart Building, Intelligent Bio-sensor Research Center, Explosion Prevention Technology Center, Heavy Ion Accelerator Convergence Research Center, Unmanned Underwater Athletic Research Center, Hanyang Cancer Control Research Center, Hanyang Battery Center, EUV-IUCC, Hanyang Complex Materials Innovation Research Center, Research Institute of Industrial Science
ERICA Campus (7) Research Institute of Engineering & Technology, Institute of Nano Sensor Technology, Institute of Natural Science and Technology, Institute of Fusion Electrical Equipment Research, Eco-Surface Technology Research Center, Ultra-high Frequency Communication Parts Technical Center, Future Generation Transmission Power Conversion System Design Center

Contact Information for Hanyang University’s Committee to Support Technology Independence

Campus Affiliation / Name/ Email / Phone number
Seoul Campus Hanyang University Industry-Academic Planning Team, Kim Young-woo, Tel: 02-2220-2297, Fax: 02-2220-2304
ERICA Campus ERICA Corporate Cooperation Center, Kim Ha-jun, Tel: 031-400-4989, Fax: 031-400-4959